Rabbit Trail Tales

Unveiling the Memorial Day Mystery

Ken and Norrie Fett
Ken and Norrie Fett

Elsie Blunt’s granddaughter Norrie

In 2021, at a family gathering, I was given a box of family photos. Needless to say, I was distracted for the rest of our visit by the treasures that awaited me.  

In an effort to identify the Memorial Day Mystery box, I began by searching the Elnora “Norrie” Grace Duvall line.  She was married to my husband’s uncle Ken (photo on left).

As I began my research the surname Blunt came up.  As I traced it back it seems Blunt would be Norrie’s mother’s maiden name.  Suddenly, the names on the back of the photos and even those unnamed began to surface.  Including this one with Norrie’s mother and her aunt Grace.  The sisters must have been close since Norrie carried her aunt’s name as her middle name.

I was very excited to begin comparing the photos I had in the box with the ones found online.  After checking with Norrie’s daughter-in-law, she confirmed my finds and was very grateful for the new photos to share with her family. 

I found this treasure on line, posted by other researchers.  Norrie’s grandmother Althea is the woman in white in the center of the photo.  Grace and Elsie on the left and Ida and Myrtle on the right. 

The Memorial Day Mystery box, actually began the Rabbit Trail Tails that I will continue to share with you.

Grace and Elsi Blunt
Grace and Elsi Blunt
Blunt Family
Norrie’s grandmother Althea is the woman in white in the center of the photo. Grace and Elsie on the left and Ida and Myrtle on the right.